June 15, 1951 was the last day of school at Kvenåsen Schoolhouse. The building as placed on a truck and moved to its present location at the museum in 1999. The building weighed 9 metric tons excluding the roof tiles and the chimney.
After the school was no longer in used it was still used for local gatherings in the area.
There are two big rocks located right near the schoolhouse, the “prestestein” (pastor rock) and the “lesarstein” (confirmand rock). Lifting the lesarststein was a test of manhood that many young men tried in Fjotland. That was no easy task. The rock weighs 102 kilos (225 lbs.)
Stories tell us that the “prestestein” has been lifted by one of the pastors in Fjotland. It has a total weight of 207 kilos (456 lbs.) We don’t know for sure who supposedly lifted the rock, but some claim it was Per Tobias Gunnuson Eiesland, born in 1840 and known as “Per the Pastor.